
Regular attendance at school is key to proper learning growth. The school is serious about missed classes or late entries so parents should notify the school in advance if their child is going to be absent.

Please notify Mrs. Pereto from the main office.


No school uniform is required to attend this school.

School Meals

Our meals are cooked in our own kitchen and are of a very high standard.

The choices are: Main meal option (M), Vegetarian option (V - Green Band), Special Diet option (K - Orange Band & only available if you have completed a Special Diet Request Form for your child). Adapted diets such as Dairy Free & Gluten Free and from different cultures.

The cost from September 2021 will be £2.40 per day / £12.00 per week.

Free meals are available for children whose parents are in receipt of Social Security Benefit and applications should be made to Mrs. Pereto in the Main Office at
