We visited the Nursing Home of the local community!

We helped to build community by performing our dance in the retirement house. The 3rd-grade class took a little walk to the place and after introducing our project we turned on the music and started the choreography.

We go to the Town Hall!

As the 5th-grade class was interested in the governing process in our town, after some in-class research and roleplay we took the opportunity to go and visit the town hall. There we were pleased to meet the mayoress, the secretary, the treasurer, and the culture councilor.
We filled in an observational worksheet in pairs to put our attention focus on some aspects.
This activity lasted two hours in total, when we got back to the school we discussed some of the aspects taken care of and the results of the comprehension were outstanding!
We encourage you to come to the final piece of this huge project on Wednesday afternoon, we are rehearsing to reflect our understandings of the role the town hall has for the community.

Sports event!

On March 27th, the 4th-graders met at the sports center with five different schools of the district to enjoy all together a sports-centered day.

We did different sports such as football, volleyball, tennis, and basketball.



Pupils were able to choose the sport they liked the best but they had to try all of them first. The teams were mixed between girls and boys to encourage coeducation.


Although sport can be very competitive, our goal was to motivate the participation of our students and create interest in different sports and physical education rather than beating the opponent. For this reason, there was not just one winner. They all received an award for participating and having fun.


Activities began at 9 a.m. and ended at 12 noon, with a duration of 3 hours. Then we took advantage of the football field to sit down to lunch together, sharing the space with classmates from other schools. Once we had lunch, before it was time to leave, we took the opportunity to have some free playtime.

Summer is coming!


Dear families. Summer is coming! This is a friendly reminder to let you know that when June begins, we start the water games!

These activities will take place every Friday in the schoolyard, in the afternoon.


We are making this note to inform you that on Fridays, your children must bring a swimsuit, a towel, flip flops, sunscreen and spare clothes.


If you have water toys, we would be grateful if you could bring them to the attention of your child's guardians before checking to see if they are suitable.


The schedule is going to be sent to you by e-mail during this coming month of May. We will also stick this information on the billboard at the school main entrance. This way you can check it when coming to the school and the kids will be aware of it as well. We hope to have great weather conditions. Any question you may have do not hesitate to let us know!

Halloween week has started!

This week all the school works in groups through cooperation, we talk about our culture as we get ready to celebrate this ancient tradition. We use this celebration to create greater bonds between all kinds, our objective is to make everybody part of these holidays. 

As part of this experience, the pupils have to come with a part of a disguise set every day. Each part will sum with the part of the day before in this way we will have the whole costume worn by Friday.
On Friday, performances and concerts will be on stage. As well as sweet potatoes stalls and carving pumpkin workshops will be displaced around the playground. These activities are the result of the preparation in class by groups during the week. 
